Welcome to the Web Site of

Bill's ITWeek Column
Bill's Other Columns
Industry Organisations
Website Design

Computency Limited is a small telecommunications consultancy with Bill Pechey and Doreen Pechey as principal consultants. We specialise in data communication primarily in the following areas:

We also have some expertise in the Global Positioning System (GPS) and co-ordinate systems.

Bill writes a regular column for ITWeek on networking issues. You can read his 550-word articles here.

Much of our work is concerned with standards bodies such as ITU, ETSI, 3GPP etc. We usually represent clients who need to keep up-to-date and influence standardisation activities but don't have the resources to cover the work themselves.

We analyse problems for clients and often find novel answers which improve the competitiveness of the client's business. For large contracts, or those on the edge of our expertise, we have a network of associated consultants whom we can call upon for help. This is beneficial for the client because of the single point of contact.

We believe that websites should load quickly, be easy to navigate and convey information efficiently. We hope you find that this one meets those criteria. We build websites for clients who have the same views.

Here are our contact details:

Computency Limited
Jays Lodge
Crays Pond
United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 1491 681236 or (within UK) 0845 644 2857
Facsimile: +44 870 740 1126
Textphone: +44 1491 682267

For any comments on this web site, please email webmaster@computency.co.uk

Computency is registered in Wales: 2221016

VAT Registration: 491 4765 17

      We do not normally carry advertisements on this site, but we use 123-Reg for our own domain registrations, and thoroughly recommend their service

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